

where friend's opinion counts

See who of your friends have already visited which place

No ratings by numbers - realistic emotions expressed in simple words

Find the best rated restaurants, bars and clubs near you

Problems We Solve


Be inspired by your connections

When it comes to choosing restaurants, bars or clubs, why rely on random abstract ratings? Trust the opinion of the friends and wheretogo Family.

Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to wheretogo.

Tailored – more than Personalized

Based on your interests, ratings, preferences and the experiences of your friends, our recommendation engine is constantly learning and can deliver the best results tailored for you in seconds.

User or intuitive search based on location, cuisine and more. Bookmarks are helping you collecting Experiences instantly.


Back to reality

At wheretogo, we believe that sharing your experience must be a breeze.

We're bringing the real world opinions of your friends back to ratings. No more abstract Numbers like 4.2, only realistic emotions expressed in simple words.

Your Opinion Counts

Effortlessly Easy Reviews

At WhereToGo, we believe that sharing your experience must be a breeze.

That's why we've designed a streamlined and intuitive review process that takes just a few taps to complete. No more lengthy forms or complicated steps.


Let us see the world
through your eyes

Take pictures of your visit and easily share them with the Wheretogo family.


We trust a friend's
rating more

Tag your friends who visited the place with you and be curious if they rated the place like you did.


Real reviews by
real people

No more fake reviews.
Wheretogo ensures that only reviews from people who have actually visited the place can be shared.


Stars belong in
the sky

We have designed a streamlined and intuitive review Process that takes just a few swipes. No more lenghty forms or complicated steps.





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Our Team


Richard Georgescu



Yogesh Veeraraj


Our Story

It all started on a normal Friday evening. My friend called me and asked if we wanted to go out. I agreed, we just didn't know where to go yet. "Not the same Italian place again, let's go somewhere else" my friend complained. "Honestly, it's boring to visit the same places and see the same people over and over again. So where should we go then?" Such a simple question but very hard to answer. I looked around on Instagram, google and Trip Advisor but I just couldn't find an answer. My friend also looked at a few blogs but he was no better with decision making. It was an endless back and forth and just a waste of time, so I called another colleague and asked him if he could recommend me something, a fancy, cool restaurant and maybe a trendy bar for afterwards. He had sent me a little list in Apple Notes. He told me a little bit about the places and the decision was made. It was so easy, straightforward and within 2 minutes I had an answer I could trust.

How come I didn't find an answer on Instagram, Trip Advisor or google? Why did I end up turning to a friend and the answer was found with ease?

Why does my friend keep a note list of places he wants to visit again or still wants to visit?

The moment I asked myself these questions, Wheretogo was born.


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